Grace Church Milton Keynes

Grace Church

We're seeking to live our lives the way God intended. Simply put, to
Love God, Love People and Love Life.
Listen here for more on our vision

Gospel Culture

Gospel Culture

Who we are and how we live gets radically transformed by Jesus. We want to live in the good of all God has done for us, and share the hope he brings with anyone and everyone.

To that end we want Grace Church to truly be a FAMILY. We want to be KIND and full of GRACE & TRUTH. We believe we can all move forward on a journey from BROKENNESS to HEALING and we get to live lives that are both COURAGEOUS & CAREFUL.

Come and join us on this exciting journey and to find out more listen to our Gospel Culture series here.

What we Believe

What we Believe

We are a group of ordinary people who have discovered an extraordinary God. Through relationship with Jesus we have access to an exciting, powerful and vibrant Christian life, which, far from escaping life’s problems, holds the answer to them.

The Bible tells us what we already know - that we’ve all made a mess of our world and our lives. But God loves people and he loves YOU and he didn’t give up on us! 2,000 years ago he came to rescue mankind through his Son, Jesus Christ. As Jesus walked the Earth he lived an amazing life: he loved people, fed the hungry and healed the sick. He brought a message of hope and truth, providing a solution for our sin through laying down his life on our behalf. But this was not the end! Through his resurrection he defeated death and brings to us the free gift of life and forgiveness. The way is now open for each one of us to be friends with God!

His invite is to all who will receive it – that in Jesus we can know life at its fullest. We welcome you to join us on the adventure of knowing and loving Jesus, and living in the abundant life he gives.

Grace Church Team

Grace Church Team

Grace Church is led by an Eldership and Leadership Team, alongside many different leaders across the church. We believe passionately in ‘team’ and we’re convinced everyone has a unique and significant part to play.

We want to encourage everyone in GC to serve God, however he has called and gifted them. Our heart is to release as much creativity and missional pioneering as we possibly can. So please speak to us about how you can get involved, and please share with us how we can partner with and encourage you!

Staff Team

Tim Gannon (Lead Pastor), PJ Gibb (Admin & Finance)

Kids & Youth

Maureen Ross-Hamilton (Explorers), Clare Villiers (Adventurers), Sam Gannon (Trailblazers), Kobe Davies (Youth)

Eldership & Leadership Team

Tim Gannon & James Davies - who meet regularly with a wider group of leaders across the church.


David Wyatt, Donna Kapaya, James Davies (Chair), Jon Kempster, Leisl Hunter, Tim Gannon

Why Grace Church?

Why Grace?

Grace is precisely what we don’t deserve: mercy, love, compassion and forgiveness from God through Jesus. It’s something that is a gift from God and cannot be earned or deserved by anyone, no matter what they've done or how good they are.

Grace is about Jesus Christ choosing to take our place before God the Judge and accepting the punishment that is ours. His mission on earth was to rescue us through living a perfect life and dying a perfect death on the cross, paying the debts we owe to God for our sin. Because of Jesus we can stand legally and fully justified before a Holy God, knowing peace and a clear conscience.

The message of God’s grace divides the real Christian faith from all other religions, philosophies and worldviews. The Bible tells us we cannot earn our salvation. It is a free gift from God available to all who turn to Jesus. It also tells us that we live by grace day by day - every breath we take is a gift from a holy, merciful, loving God.


Catalyst Network

Catalyst is the family of churches Grace Church belongs to (part of the Newfrontiers network of churches). We work with Catalyst to support mission and church planting all around the world. We also benefit from outstanding training and leadership equipping, as well as great friendships that are a means of mutual support and encouragement.

The Catalyst Festival is all about empowering us each to make a difference in our workplaces, communities and nations. We believe God has called us to be a blessing in every part of our society, using our skills and passions for the common good. And we also believe God has called us to take the good news of Jesus Christ to the UK and the nations of the world.

Every two years, our family of churches gather together to worship Jesus, hear from the Bible, enjoy one another's gifts and get caught up in the bigger picture of what God is doing. We're looking forward now to the 2021 Festival.

More about Catalyst
A Heart for the Nations

A Heart for the Nations

There are many nations of the world gathered and represented in MK and we love what God has done in gathering many in our church family from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds..

We also are passionate though about not just being "from the nations" but going "to the nations". We want to see the gospel taken to the ends of the earth and so we want to play our part in kingdom work wherever God leads.

A few of the places God has opened up opportunity for us to invest and serve:


We are building a friendship with Jonathan & Lydia Nathan, and City of Truth Church, in Monrovia. It is great to connect regularly and learn from them and serve them in different ways. In 2019 Jon Kempster and Tim Gannon travelled to a conference in Sierra Leone to meet this team and further build and strengthen our friendship.


Long-term members and friends of Grace Church, Sam & Abi Little, have recently moved their family from the UK, to live in Phnom Penh. They are following God's call to relocate and are serving Jesus in a number of ways.


For many years Grace Church have been supporters of Christian Partners in Africa. Many in the church are involved in child sponsorship and Denise Niel travels out to conduct training with the staff there once a year.

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